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Best Psychiatrist in Egypt


Best Psychiatrist in Egypt Societies have suffered a lot of conviction of the importance of offering psychiatric illness to a specialist psychiatrist, but with the spread of culture, science, and technological development and awareness campaigns on the importance of psychotherapy.especially after the boom in the field of psychiatric treatment in recent decades, individuals around the world are looking for (the best psychiatrist  In Cairo, We at Medical Center Psychiatry with the best psychiatrists in Cairo and through an integrated therapeutic community is treating psychiatric patients.In fact, the suffering caused by mental illness may outweigh many of the organic diseases and we will not be exaggerated to say that the suffering of some psychiatric patients outweighs the suffering of chronic diseases such as cancer

heart, sugar and blood pressure  In the problem significantly as mental illness is a threat to physical and mental health together and here we emphasize the need to speed up the treatment of psychological through specialists We at Medical Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment We provide our hands through a team of treatment through a complete contact with us over the phone.

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What is psychiatry

Psychiatry is a department of medicine that specializes in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses. This includes various things related to cognition, behavior, understanding, and mood.

Best Psychiatrist in Egypt   we talk about a psychiatrist, we are talking about someone who treats mental illnesses, learning disabilities and personality disorders, people who work in the field of psychiatry are called psychiatrists, who are graduated from medical school in addition to a year of training and then spend three years in hospitals in the treatment of mental health disorders Each psychiatrist is a human doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and then trained to treat disorders  Mental.

What is psychotherapy ?

Psychotherapy requires the right path and early intervention through a specialist psychiatrist , Best Psychiatrist in Egypt  .

Psychotherapy is based on verbal and non-verbal intervention and no chemicals, drugs are used.

Psychotherapy can take many months, it may take years, and psychotherapy may be individual, It may be collected and besides this may include psychotherapy, graphic therapy, story therapy, writing therapy and all intervention under psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy consists of a set of integrated techniques used to treat mental health and mental illnesses and helps psychotherapist to accept the sources of strength and weakness as the diagnosis of feelings and ways of thinking lead to dealing with problematic situations.


What are the areas of psychiatry?

There are several subspecialties covered by psychiatry, known as fellowship, which require further training and are accredited by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology These specialties include the following:

Clinical Neurophysiology – Forensic Psychiatry – Addiction Psychiatry – Psychiatry for Aging – Hospice and Parasitology – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry * Pain Management – Psychiatry Sleep – Physical Psychiatry – Neurological Disorders – Emergency Psychiatry – Psychiatry for Learning Disabilities  ).

In addition to other disciplines include (Community Psychiatry – Social Psychiatry – Military Psychiatry – Biological Psychiatry – Global Psychiatry – Intercultural Psychiatry)

Psychotropic drugs in the modern world , Best Psychiatrist in Egypt 

There is no doubt that psychiatry will witness a major development in the next few years if the pace at which scientists work in this activity continues and if pharmaceutical companies spend on research to treat mental disorders.

The interest of companies in psychotropic drugs did not come out of the blue, Psychiatric patients often use these psychotropic medications for a long period of time and some may use them throughout their lives .

Therefore, pharmaceutical companies are encouraged to conduct research and manufacture of new psychotropic drugs. Competition among pharmaceutical companies occurs in the discovery of new types of medicines for depression, anxiety and, schizophrenia.  And the nature of the disease in various doses.


Prevention of mental disorders , Best Psychiatrist in Egypt  

There are many ways and means that have been developed by psychiatry through the consultations of more than a specialist psychiatrist, which are in the following elements: –

  • Self-esteem and unshakable confidence, while sticking to the right opinion, even if you disagree.
  •  Avoid thoughts that make you feel pain and don’t keep up with negative thoughts Best Psychiatrist in Egypt .
  • Share others to solve your problems, avoid loneliness, and resist your concerns.
  •  Stay away from everything that causes you anxiety, fear and, insomnia.
  • Stay away from heavy physical exertion and hard work that causes psychological harm.
  •  Stay away from excessive sensitivity in dealing with things and reduce the magnification of things and do not give the subject  Many interesting.
  • Pay close attention to the alarming signs of the disease and inform a psychiatrist or family counselor or even communicate with a psychiatrist on the net and inform him of symptoms.
  •  Check regularly and make sure your health is safe, especially if you feel any new health problems.
  • Do not be bashful and stay away from hesitation when talking to others.
  •  Live in realistic and away from daydreaming.
  •  Practice your favorite hobbies and type among your hobbies for self-stimulation.
  • Balanced food and physical health contribute significantly to mental health.
  •  Stay away from flattery and serve other people to please them.
  •  Stay away from irrational thoughts and do not have the mind while avoiding the thoughts and actions that make you feel guilty.


Best Psychiatrists in Cairo

There is no doubt that mental illnesses have existed in society since ancient times, but what we can say that interest in those diseases and interest in psychiatry has increased in recent times even in the field of psychiatry children and adolescents,What is confirmed by studies and statistics that there is a marked increase in mental disorders in the world, especially in the last ten decades has been launched by many researchers in the field of mental health to the era we live in the era of mental illness

Some of them are called the current era of “depression era” are all labels clearly confirm the extent of the incidence of mental illness among people, and the rate of increase in these mental disorders varies from generation to generation and from society to society based on different criteria.

There is no doubt that the environmental climate, living conditions, and societal pressures have a significant impact in increasing those mental illnesses, It is self-evident that the more mental illness we need more than a specialist psychiatrist to be able to treat these patients.

There is no doubt that psychotherapy through a specialist psychiatrist and the use of proper treatment methods through specialists of doctors and psychotherapists away from the phantom methods and myths, which causes delays in therapeutic intervention, which exacerbates matters.

The spread of psychotherapists or psychiatrists will greatly help in the treatment of psychiatric patients and reduce the spread of those diseases in the world and in Egypt there are the best psychiatrists in Cairo and not only in the capital, but there is a doctor in Alexandria,There is now a psychiatrist for children, youth and adults and there are many specialties.

but what makes us face a big problem is that there are more than 85% of psychiatric patients do not benefit from psychotherapy despite the multiplicity and diversity of therapeutic methods and the availability of manypsychiatric drugsthat help significantly in the treatment of mental illnesses, However, the idea of ​​offering to a psychiatrist is not acceptable from the basis of these people or even just consult a free psychiatrist through the Internet  .

if they are afraid to be told that they are crazy if they refuse to communicate with a psychiatrist, whatever the nature of communication, whether through the examination in a clinic  Psychiatric and offer to a specialist psychiatrist or through the psychiatric hospital and government psychiatric hospitals of the government free of charge or through communication with a psychiatrist via the Internet.

In fact, the suffering caused by mental illness may outweigh many of the organic diseases and we will not be exaggerated to say that the suffering of some psychiatric patients outweighs the suffering of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart, sugar and blood pressure  The problem is so severe that mental illness is a threat to both physical and mental health.

ابقى على تواصل

، قسم أول 6 أكتوبر، الظهير الصحراوى لمحافظة الجيزة، الجيزة 3510422، مصر





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