الرئيسية - psychiatry - Treatment of Alcoholism in Jordan
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Liquor and alcohol are common societal negative phenomena and alcohol is often the start of a drug addiction journey, The reason for the increase in demand for liquor and alcohol is rumored around alcohol that it is not addictive and that it is a spiritual drink and take it at intervals is healthy! In fact, those lies and promotions made wines in Jordan, such as soft drinks, easily accessible.
Jordan is the best in the treatment of alcohol addiction and the cure rate reaches 100%, which makes Jordan one of the best countries in the treatment of alcohol addiction.
What recognize Jordan in the treatment of alcohol addiction is that the cost of treatment is low by neighboring countries, The confidentiality and the rights of the patient are given to the highest level, There are many artists and dignitaries who have been cured in our center and available for many activities and five-star hotel rooms prepared fully to receive the patient and take care of it.
The problem of addiction in Jordan, especially alcoholism, is one of the problems that threaten national security and threaten the entity of Jordanian society, In fact, despite the preventive measures taken by Jordan to protect people from falling into the trap of addiction and abuse, there are many people, especially young people, and adolescents have been caught in the path of alcohol addiction in Jordan in particular and drug addiction, What is rumored about the relationship of alcohol and sex and love of experience and curiosity of the biggest reasons that motivate people to drink alcohol and drug use,What is facing the treatment of addiction in Jordan, whether the treatment of alcohol addiction in Jordan or treatment of drug addiction in the Kingdom of Jordan is the high cost of treatment of addiction and the lack of addiction treatment centers free of charge in Jordan, we have a problem on the road to recovery.
Damage of alcohol on the liver:
The liver is responsible for the metabolism of calories in the body, and since alcohol contains high calories it causes the accumulation of fat in the liver in large quantities which leads to liver atrophy and small size and delayed functions; until it reaches the stage of fibrosis.
Damage of alcohol on the respiratory system
Studies have confirmed that alcohol consumption is a leading cause of tuberculosis and many other respiratory diseases.
Damage to alcohol on the digestive system
Alcohol causes gastrointestinal disorders. It causes loss of appetite, causing you not to eat regularly and not eating the healthy food your body needs, resulting in stomach damage, ulcers and bleeding.
Alcohol and cancer
After a lot of research, it has been proven that alcohol is a major cause of cancer. It causes lung, prostate and pancreatic cancer.
The Qur’anic verses that prohibit alcohol are many, In addition to the hadiths of the Prophet explicit in the prohibition of alcohol. The Islamic scholars unanimously prohibited alcohol, but in all Monotheistic religions, alcohol and alcohol are prohibited, And drug use, Therefore, the treatment of alcoholism in the Quran is one of the most important methods of preventive treatment, which should be highly focused, Sowing religious motivation has a major role in keeping people away from alcohol and drugs, Therefore, this is the treatment of alcoholism in the Koran in Jordan falls largely on the preachers and clerics who must warn of the danger of taking the forbidden things and planting religious scruples in people.
Due to the lack of free addiction treatment centers in Jordan, addicts who wish to recover are starting to look for private addiction treatment clinics in Jordan, It is the other way that people look for addiction treatment, but in this way obstacles, which is the high cost of addiction treatment in Jordan in private treatment centers, Hence begins the search for the third way to get to recovery and this is the path that seeks through people to reach recovery from addiction, Research through addiction treatment centers is always free in Jordan because there is a rise in the price of addiction treatment in Jordan in private treatment centers, Even the cost of follow-up is the best doctor for the treatment of addiction in Jordan needs a lot of money in spite of the lack of residence and stay for treatment, The optimal solution is to addiction treatment in the treatment centers of addiction outside Jordan, which is a better way as confirmed by psychiatrists and addiction treatment specialists that the geographical location is the best way to recover Being closer to the family is a bad way to treat addiction.
Withdrawal symptoms begin 6 to 48 hours and peaks from 24 to 35 hours after the last dose of alcohol. During this period, the brain activity caused by alcohol is inhibited and the production of stress hormones increases; and the central nervous system becomes very emotional,
Psychological symptoms
Depression anxiety panic emotional instability emotional fatigue
Nausea / Vomiting Headache Insomnia Sweating Rapid Heart Rate Hand Tremors Involuntary Movement in Eyelids Loss of Appetite.
The severity of alcohol withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person and on the basis of alcohol addiction, but withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be serious and may lead to complications. Therefore, it is always advised to make the withdrawal process under the full medical supervision We at our centers offer a service specialized in the treatment of symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.
خطوات بسيطة للتخلص من إدمان الإباحية
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هل يمكن علاج الفصام نهائياً وأحدث أدوية علاج الفصام 2024
الصحة الجنسية
علاج الأدمان
، قسم أول 6 أكتوبر، الظهير الصحراوى لمحافظة الجيزة، الجيزة 3510422، مصر
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