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Treatment of the affective disorder


Treatment of the affective disorder

Affective disorder or so-called emotional mania or bipolar disorder, which is a chronic genetic condition of the mood swings strangely so that the mood changes between the very high mania and very low which is depression and sometimes meet in the patient.

This disease may be accompanied by no apparent symptoms or there may be some mild symptoms. Most people with affective depression suffer from alcoholism or substance abuse, which can increase the severity of the disease and increase manic episodes and depression.

Here we will identify the symptoms causes types,and treatment of this disease.


What is an affective disorder

The affective disorder is a serious mental illness, characterized by abnormal and severe mood swings ranging from excessive happiness, mania, and depression. The other name is manic-depressive disease، Mood fluctuations are accompanied by changes in the patient’s energy levels and daily activity, which can lead to a marked decline in educational attainment,

Problems at work, and the destruction of social relations with others.  The disease affects both Genders and can affect them at any age but often affects young people between the ages of 15 and 25.

The mood swings of a bipolar disorder are different from those of a normal human. The fluctuations in a patient last for days or weeks, accompanied by difficulty in sleeping and concentrating as well as decreased ability to work, and sometimes may harm the patient himself or  Ends his life with suicide.



Causes of affective disorder

There is no specific cause for this affective disorder, but there are several factors that make an individual more susceptible to it:

  • Genetic factors: Particularly if a parent has a disorder.
  • Age: Affective disorder begins at any age, from infancy to old age, and is the average age of the first attack at the age of 21 years.
  • Gender: Both Genders have the same level, but women are more likely to develop this disorder in the postpartum period.
  • Psychological pressure: Is one of the most prominent triggers of this disorder, especially if there is a willingness to injury the disorder.

Certain medications such as appetite suppressants, colds,and thyroid medications.


Types of affective disorder

The bipolar  affective disorder is generally divided into four types, namely:

Bipolar affective disorder of the first type:

A person with this type of manic attack lasts for at least 7 days and may develop severe symptoms, Often, the patient also experiences episodes of depression that last for at least two weeks, It is before or after the manic episodes.

Bipolar affective disorder of the second type

A person with this type of depression has at least one depression and at least one mild manic episode but without a manic episode.

Unspecified bipolar affective disorder.

A person with this type of disorder is diagnosed when symptoms of the bipolar disorder appear inadequate to diagnose either type of disorder listed above, The duration of symptoms may be insufficient or fewer than required for diagnosis.

Cyclothymia: People with this type of mild manic episode and mild depression have been suffering for at least two years, or one year in children and adolescents.


Symptoms of affective disorder

In fact, the symptoms associated with bipolar disorder may vary from person to person, and may also be different in the same person from time to time, usually; one mood attack lasts from weeks to several months, and these symptoms can be divided according to the mood as follows:

Mania and light mania.

Mania and mild mania are two different episodes, but they have the same manifesting symptoms The manic episode is often more severe.

It may cause greater problems in the life of the injured, and may lead to the separation of the victim from reality in the so-called psychosis. This requires the patient to be hospitalized for treatment. Symptoms of mania and mild mania include.

  • Abnormal happiness, excitement, and optimism.
  • Increase in activity and energy.
  • Reduced need to sleep or eat.
  • Abnormal speed of speech.
  • Feeling egotism and high self-confidence.
  •  Easy distraction.
  • Making reckless, incorrect decisions.
  •  The Rapid change in ideas.


The symptoms that a person may have during a depressive episode are as follows:

  • Feeling sad, desperate, or upset.
  •  Loss of interest and feeling happy when doing any activity.
  • Changes in weight and appetite without dieting.
  • Changes in sleep, such as frequent sleep or insomnia.
  • Feeling tired and losing energy.
  • Feeling  Emptiness, unimportance, and unjustified guilt.
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, and making decisions.
  • Negative feeling and thinking about things.

Think, plan, or attempt suicide.


Treatment of the affective disorder

Medicinal Treatments

Medicinal treatment in the case of the affective disorder is usually divided into three main groups. The choice of a physician depends on the general condition of the patient and can be described as follows:

Lithium carbonate is the most commonly used medicine for affective disorder.

Anticonvulsants, including valproate, and CARBAMAZEPINE.

Antipsychotics, including Aripiprazole, and Olanzapine.


Lifestyle regulation

Some lifestyle modifications can control the symptoms of affective disorder and reduce the likelihood of worsening of the disease such as:

Stop the use of drugs, legally prohibited substances, and alcohol, and help can be sought from health care centers if it is difficult to do so.


Making friends with people who influence the person in a positive way can help them recognize serious symptoms when they appear, as well as help.


Ensure a healthy lifestyle, including the nature of the food, the date and sleep routine, as well as exercise, but after consulting the specialist.


See your doctor and ask him about any medication or dietary supplement before taking it, because these drugs and supplements may trigger bipolar disorder attacks; and the potential impact of the drug And overlap with it.

Psychotherapy, which helps patients understand their psychological changes, accept facts and events from the past; and learn how to deal with future disorders. One of the most important methods of psychotherapy is known as cognitive_ behavioral therapy.


Electroconvulsive therapy.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.

Vagal Nerve Stimulation.


ابقى على تواصل

، قسم أول 6 أكتوبر، الظهير الصحراوى لمحافظة الجيزة، الجيزة 3510422، مصر





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